1. Navigate to the Activities. Check out our article Creating New Logs
2. Or create Activity Logs from the Manage Student Page by navigating to the Manage Students Page
There are two ways to select students.
- Check the box next to the students names you would like to create a note for, then click the “Log Activity” Button at the top of the page.
- Select the student you would like to create a note for by clicking their name. You will be taken to the Student Detail Page, at the top of the page click “Log Activity”
3. Choose options from the provided selectors. Check out the Creating New Logs article for more information (Coming Soon)
Note: Students are optional, if you would like to log a personal user based activity click "Done" without selecting any students.
4. For further guidance on completing the submission process check out the following articles:
Note: Once you are taken to the Activities Grid make sure to scroll all the way to the right to see all of your logging options.