The Log Settings Page has various district wide settings that could apply to Service Tracking Logs, Progress Monitoring Logs, and Student Notes.
To get to the Log Settings Page:
1. Navigate to the Settings Page
2. Click "Logging"
3. You will now see all of the log settings. If you would like to enable/disable a setting clicking the aqua button with the check box will toggle between enabled/disabled. A check mark in the box signifies that a setting has been enabled.
4. Once all settings have been set, click the blue "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
Overview of Settings
Do Not Allow Weekend Dates
Enabling this setting will prevent users from submitting logs with dates that fall on Saturdays and Sundays.
Service Setting Required
Enabling this setting will require all Service Tracking Logs to include a Service Setting
Benchmarks Required
Enabling this setting will require all Progress Monitoring Logs to include Benchmarks as long as the selected goals has at least one benchmark
Multiple Benchmarks
Enabling this setting will allow users to select multiple benchmarks when creating Progress Monitoring Logs.
Note: An individual Progress Monitoring Logs will be created for each benchmark
Log Lockout Enabled
Enabling this setting will allow Administrators to set a specified timeframe that is acceptable to submit logs. Administrators can then run a report to see which users have submitted logs outside of this window. For more information on Log Lockout please check out our article Log Lockout