If your district has enabled the Service Fulfillment Module you will see a chart under the Service Setting Chart that displays an in-depth overview of this student’s service fulfillment.

Hovering over the Total Expected section of the chart will show you a high level overview with percentages and total minutes for each fulfillment section (Fulfilled, Remaining, and Reduced)

Hovering over the Fulfilled section will show you the same high level overview as the Total Expected section, but will go more into depth on the Fulfilled section showing any missed (excused) minutes (Student Absent, Student Refused Service, etc.)

Hovering over the Reduced section will show the same high level overview as the Toal Expected section, but will go more into depth on the Reduced section, showing any reasons that the expected minutes would be reduced (e.g. School Calendar Event)

Hovering over the dark gray bar between the remaining and reduced section will show you the Adjusted Total Expected Minutes

Note:  If you district has not enabled the Service Fulfillment Module you will not see this chart. Check out our article Service Minutes Chart (Non Service Fulfillment) to learn more.