Log Template Summary Page

The Log Template Summary Page may display a yellow warning icon next to a log template’s name. This icon indicates potential issues with the template, such as including archived students. Hover your mouse over the yellow warning icon to learn more about the issue. 

Log Template Detail Page

Warning Icon

You may see a yellow warning icon in various places on the Log Template Detail Page. These will usually signify that a service or goal is out of date, as of today’s date. Hover your mouse over the icon to learn more about the issue.



You may see a red triangle in the upper left corner of a cell. This indicates that the student, service, or goals has been archived.

Goals not available while Service Tracking 

On the Service Tracking Card in the lower left you may see the following warning. This is indicating that this template can be used while Progress Monitoring but not while Service Tracking since the template does not contain any services.

Time Validation

You may see a warning icon next to the End Time on the Service Tracking Card. If you hover over the Icon you will see a message that states that the log template is set for a time range that is over 8 hours.