1. Navigate to the Manage Users Page
2. Find the user whose student list you would like to manage and click their name. Check out our article Sort, Filter & Group Tables
3. Click the “Edit” button in the upper right of the Student List Card
4. To add a student to the providers list check the box next to their name
5. To remove a student from the providers list, uncheck the box next to their name
6. Click the “Save” button in the lower right of your screen to save your changes
Note: When removing a student from a user's student list, the student will also be removed from any log templates of the user that they are on. You might see the following message, if you do, click the red button labeled “proceed” to remove them from the user's log templates and student list.
Note: If you are adding a student to a user and the user does not have access to the student's school you will see a message pop up prompting you to grant access to this user. To proceed with adding this student to the user's student list select “Grant Access”.