Users can have various statuses within Brolly. Below is a brief overview.

Active - A User that is active in the system

Inactive - A User that has been manually inactivated. Inactive users will be hidden unless explicitly requested to be shown

Pending - A User that has been created, but has not been invited to join the district yet

Invited - A User that has been invited to join the district, but has not responded to the invite. 

Declined - A User that has been invited to join the district, but has declined the invite. 

To filter users on the Manage Users Summary page follow these steps

1. Navigate to the Manage Users Page

2. Click the “Filter” button with the three sliding lines on the far right of your screen

3. By default, this filter shows all non inactive users. To show inactive users either click “select all” or click the “Inactive” button. 

4. To refine your view select the options you would like to see.