A hard refresh, also known as a forced reload or cache bypass, is a method of reloading a web page that bypasses the browser's cache and forces it to download the latest version of the page directly from the website's server. This can be useful for troubleshooting issues related to outdated content, incorrect data, or compatibility problems.

When to Perform a Hard Refresh

  1. Troubleshooting page loading issues: If a web page is not loading properly or displaying outdated content, a hard refresh can help resolve the issue by retrieving the latest version of the page. 
  2. Verifying website updates: If a website has recently been updated, performing a hard refresh ensures that you are viewing the latest version of the page and not cached data from a previous visit. 
  3. Resolving compatibility problems: If you are experiencing compatibility issues with a web page, such as formatting errors or incorrect layout, a hard refresh can sometimes fix the problem by forcing the browser to re-render the page.

Performing a Hard Refresh in Popular Browsers 

Google Chrome

  • On Windows, hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys, and then press R on your keyboard
  • On Mac, hold down the Cmd and Shift keys, and then press R on your keyboard

Mozilla Firefox

  • Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys, and then press R on your keyboard

Microsoft Edge

  • Hold down the Ctrl and F5 keys on your keyboard


  • Hold down the Shift key and click the Reload button in the browser's toolbar

Additional Tips

  • Performing a hard refresh will not clear your browser's cache or cookies. 
  • If you frequently encounter issues with outdated content or compatibility problems, you can enable a developer option to always perform a hard refresh. This option is typically found in the browser's settings or preferences. 
  • Regular hard refreshes can help ensure that you are always viewing the most up-to-date content and prevent potential issues.